Rug Cleaning & Restoration

Quality affordable repair and cleaning of your Oriental or area rug in Murray Hill, NY. 100% guarantee on all work, eco-friendly products, same day service.

Every Oriental Rug Is Special to its Owner

Oriental rugs make a stunning centerpiece for any home or office. With their unusual designs, intricate weaves and rich colors (that leave the material shimmering) they are woven in thousands of villages and regions across the East. From India and China to Afghanistan and Iran, many are finished only after hundreds of hours or work. So whether your Oriental rug is a Afghan Baluch or Shindand, a Persian Qum or Tabriz, we understand what it means to you.

We are well aware of how attached our customers are to their Oriental rugs and it comes as no surprise. After all, whether you purchased it as a valuable investment, received it as a gift, or inherited it as a family heirloom, it naturally has a special place in your home or office. Every Oriental Rug is precious to its owner which is why you need to feel complete trust in the people you hand it over to for care. We promise to treat it as if it were our own, from the moment it arrives at our facility to the moment it is returned to you.

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100% Guarantee On Every Job

We are skilled in a number of intricate techniques including color restoration, binding, fixing holes or repairing a fringe. We understand that, even if your Oriental rug is not in an area where it is walked on daily, it may have become faded by direct exposure to sunlight. We use gentle vegetable dyes to restore color and you won't believe the difference, when you see your rug again. Moreover, each piece we repair and restore will be cleaned first, as part of the price you pay. TThat is our promise to you.

To save your time and aggravation (because traffic in NYC can be awful) we offer a free pick up and return delivery service for every rug and a same day appointment for an assessment, as long as you call before noon. Every job we undertake comes with a 100% guarantee, because we understand that customer satisfaction comes first. We are proud of our reputation in Gramercy Park and Murray Hill and take the view that every Oriental and area rug that is put in our hands should be treated by our staff as if it were one of their own.

Pick up the phone now and speak to one of our friendly customer representatives, who will be glad to advise you further on the many services we offer and give you a free, no-obligation quote.

ABC Oriental Rug Care - Number One for Oriental Rugs in Gramercy Park, Murray Hill & NYC